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REO Engineering

Three Generations of Civil Engineers ...      Proudly Serving Missouri and Kansas Since 1979!
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Welcome to REO Engineering
REO Engineering, P.C., a Kansas City, Missouri metro area civil engineering consulting firm offers a wide range of services to clients in the United States and internationally. Municipalities, legal service providers, businesses, industry and individuals look to REO Engineering to provide professional services with personal attention.

Services include:
  • Flood insurance studies and FEMA map revisions
  • City legal and administrative engineering
  • Building codes administration and inspection
  • Civil engineering design services
  • Site selection services
  • Structural and construction inspections
  • Environmental site studies and remediation
  • Forensic investigation and expert witness testimony
  • Commercial development and planning

City Engineering   Civil Engineering Design
City Engineering REO Engineering has specialized in serving the engineering needs of municipalities since 1980. Cities constantly maintain, upgrade and expand their physical plants to meet the needs of their residents. We are able to help throughout the entire improvement process. More>>

  Civil Engineering Design We provide full service project management for all projects we design, as well as some projects designed by others. We enjoy working on challenging projects, and specialize in providing creative, affordable solutions. If you think your project is too small for an engineer, but you can't get it done without one, give us a call. We can quickly give you a fair assessment of what we can do for you with just a phone call or two. More>>

Inspection Services   Environmental Site Studies
Inspection Services On site inspection is a must for construction and building projects to insure quality control and compliance with specifications. Knowing that everything has been done properly before the sheet rock or asphalt is placed is critical to the quality of your project. We can provide professional, certified inspection for architects, engineers, or owners. More>>

  Environmental Site Studies Environmental issues are one of the fastest growing and most costly problems property owners face today. An issue of possible contamination can make a property impossible to sell, and many property transfers or sales now require an ESA, or Environmental Site Assessment, for the transaction to be completed. An ESA examines the site, both physically and historically to determine if hazardous wastes are likely to be a problem. More>>

Forensic Investigation   Commercial Development
Forensic Investigation Forensic, or legal, investigations in civil engineering can range from investigations of accidents to analysis of structural failures to contract violations. More>>

  Commercial Development REO Engineering has years of hands-on field experience in commercial development, making us the ideal choice to serve as team leader for your project. We handle site planning and design needs from conceptual drawings and jurisdictional issues, all the way through to civil/site construction. More>>

Site Selection Services    
REO Engineering provides a single source for business owners desiring to build new manufacturing facilities. Our home territory is the Midwestern United States, but we can reach out to any area in the U.S. or Canada to find suitable sites to build your facility. We specialize in providing site selection services to European businesses desiring to manufacture in the U.S., but we also welcome Asian clients. We will find the site for you and provide all professional and construction services necessary for your successful start-up. More>>

~ Proudly Serving Missouri and Kansas Since 1979 ~
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